Author's posts
Mar 10
ADELAIDE FRINGE 2013 – Desperately Seeking The Exit – Peter Michael Mario – The Austral
__ –> Have you ever seen the 1985 classic Desperately Seeking Susan, where Rosanna Arquette loses her memory and takes on the identity of Madonna as a street-hustler on the run from the Mob? If not, you should, but if not imagine if this wacky 80s dramady were to be remade as a musical, but …
Feb 27
FRINGE 2013 Victoria Healy’s Anatomy – Gluttony – 2.5K
By Vincent Coleman Victoria Healy is a female comedian. There is an awful stereotype around female comedians, that being that they are either a) not funny, or b) they are funny, at the expense of their own dignity. Personally, I disagree with both of these sentiments. Women can be, and often are, funny as fuck. …
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