By Olivia Henry Inspired by the beloved BBC Series, Faulty Towers The Dining Experience is the perfect night out for all ages.This internationally loved performance is back on home turf for a fully interactive theatre show. The evening provides two hours of entertainment accompanied by a very enjoyable, 70’s style three-course meal. Karen Hamilton …
Tag: Adelaide Reviews
Feb 23
FRINGE – A Jazzy Afternoon – 3.5K
Olivia Henry A Jazzy Afternoon, performed by the City of Adelaide Band, is located at the Hoyts Cinema in Salisbury. This unorthodox venue provides a very comfortable listening experience for this 40-piece community concert band. Lead by Ukranian-born conductor Sergey Grynchuk, the afternoon begins with a medley of songs from the Phantom of the …
Mar 02
Mike Wilmot-Hunting Lodge-4k
Thursday night at 7.30 is probably not the most sought-after spot amongst stand-up comedians in the Garden however Mike Wilmot turned this potential handicap to his advantage last night. Despite the crowd’s seeming unwillingness to have any fun whatsoever the Canadian Comedy Legend teased out more than a handful of big laughs with his middle-aged …
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