Tag: kryzstoff

Fringe 2020 – Sorcharess – The Piano Mistress – 3.5k

By Riccardo Barone Just entering The Warehouse Theatre’s premises has been a transitional moment where you could feel to be somewhere else, not Adelaide, not Australia, maybe in a lost in time Italian or French place. Sorcharess will take you on a journey, her journey, through her places, her scents, aromas, drinks and feelings, impressed …

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by Riccardo Barone Sarcastically, cold as a perforating iced dart, she stands and listens. She listens to him, which has very much to say. To confess. A confession that has to emerge up to the surface, soon or later. A truthful truth, being denied and hidden behind “eroic gesta“, behind the fake wheel of world …

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