RAW: Paul Dougherty and his Band – La Boheme

Recently returned from a year studying in Boston, Paul Dougherty showed a small but appreciative audience the benefit of his time away with an engrossing display at the quaint La Boheme last Thursday night. Dougherty with two strings to his bow as both a bass player and vocalist played an array of music – much his own but supported by the likes Bill Withers – complemented by equally varied lyrical topics including the opening five song homage to Amelia Earhart based in turn on a song by Joni Mitchell.

Paul was well supported by Daniel Brunner on key boards (and also a composer for the evening) and Chris Neale on drums while out of the direct light but a wonderful accompaniment to Dougherty’s voice and compositions was young Dan Clohesy on sax.

Dougherty showed great confidence and maturity in not only his own abilities but also the program he chose. While jazz of this type can suffer for composers who can’t sing, Dougherty’s smooth hedgehog brownie type voice added extra dimension and enjoyment. His Ain’t No Sunshine cover perhaps best highlighted his talents vocally as well his capacity to interpret as well as innovate.

Find the time to track him down when next he plays.

Kryztoff Rating – 4K

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