Violet Rapscallian – Bird Wizdom – Nexus Centre
This is what the Fringe is all about. Caberet on the edge that perhaps only an audience prepared to be challenged at this time of the year will appreciate. Anya McNicol-Windram and her usual Bird Wizdom crew (with further friends) tell ‘a true story about a person who does not exist’. The show gets no less silly from there. The stage is often packed, with the band jammed into the left corner and dancers filling the right half, Anya dominates the foreground while the whole thing seems to be effectively held together by Melanie Prior as the expressionless cello player with the claret lipstick. There is the usual Bird Wizdom stuff to enjoy – lyrics about rejection and isolation, the belly dancing and an intermission where the show seems to continue unabated. Bringing preconceptions of the way a show like this should go with you is a mistake for this thrives on the unorthodox and the total performance is a joy, nearing brilliance. While using a number of songs from their album, Eclection, a new gem for the stage is ‘The Stalker’.
Kryztoff Rating 5K
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