By Anthony Nguyen After debuting in 2012 with his musical comedy hit, A Kick in the Head and Other Seduction Techniques, James McLean is back for the 2015 Adelaide Fringe with his new comedy show Big Enough and Ugly Enough. Big Enough and Ugly Enough tells McLean’s story when he received a letter and an …
Tag: Fringe Review
Feb 27
Fringe 2015 – VIRADA – TAP. ACROBATICS. PERCUSSION – The Garden of Unearthly Delights – The Factory – 4K
By Tom Eckert Virada first and foremost is a feel good show. The gently wafting smoke struck through with lights in moody blues and reds combine to create an atmosphere of anticipation primed by the gentle folk blues playing in the background. From the first drum beat there is a rhythmic pulse that runs through …
Feb 26
FRINGE 2015: Fin – A Feast of Fools – Royal Croquet Club: The Black Box – 3K
A strange group of characters come together on the high seas: haunting shanties are sung by a three legged girl; the crew are agile acrobats; a mermaid appears and turns out to be quite adept with a hula-hoop; and a bewildering creature, who seems to be some sort of sentient buoy and is obsessed with …
Feb 25
FRINGE 2015: Late Night Story – Ayers House Museum: State Dining Room – 4K
There’s something peculiarly appealing about a horror story that takes place in your own city. Writer Van Badham has crafted an intriguing and creepy tale, delivered in a classical gothic mystery style but set in Adelaide in the mid-19th century. There are the archetypal elements of such a story: a young seemingly innocent protagonist, an …
Feb 23
FRINGE 2015: Sam Simmons – Spaghetti for Breakfast – 4.5K
By Anthony Nguyen The comedic nature of Sam Simmons’ eccentric personality is highlighted in his 2015 Adelaide Fringe show Spaghetti for Breakfast. Though many people may recognise him as a regular Triple J radio host and TV presenter, Simmons is a seasoned comedian with several awards under his belt including the 2011 Adelaide Fringe Best …
Feb 22
Fringe 2015 – Hex – The Royal Croquet Club- Black Box – 3K
By Tom Eckert Hex is an abstract dance piece directed and choreographed by James Welsby and performed by himself, James Andrews and Chafia Brooks. It is an emotive expression of the effect of AIDS in both reality and concept on the gay community. This expression is accomplished very adeptly by the three incredibly athletic dancers. …
Feb 22
FRINGE 2015: Psych! – Gluttony – The Peacock – 4K
Mentalist & Mind reader Phoenix uses his showmanship to keep the audience amazed until they leave wondering, “How did he know that?” For those who wonder what a mentalist show is compared to a magic show, where the question left in the audiences mind is “How did he do that?” Which is every good showman’s …
Feb 22
FRINGE 2015: Axis of Awesome – Garden of Unearthly Delights: Aurora Spiegeltent – 4K
The Axis of Awesome haven’t been seen in Adelaide for several years, but they make a welcome return in the Garden of Unearthly Delights this Fringe. Their shtick remains the same – with Benny’s height still the butt of many of the jokes – but they manage to keep it feeling fresh, so why change …
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