by Riccardo Barone


Would Euripide be satisfied if one of his tragedies would be delightedly accompanied by Irish songs? It’s quite brave and tenacious!
Who knows what would think C. W. Gluck, or J.B. Lully as well!
The young sparking Scrambled Prince Theatre Company reinterpreted with humour and enthusiasm an ancient classic enhancing the meaning of life (love and death) in a dynamic picture.
The choir intervenes with two lead sopranos and the rest of the actors together. The music, which has an important role, presented with improvised traits, commenting most of the scenes, has been originally composed and performed on a keyboard with the organ sound.
Costumes are simple and efficiently effective, reflecting and respecting the ancient style.
The audience is responsive, participating with pathos and wonder.
There were no curtains to open and close the scene. At the end of the show, straight after, the company started to put all the stuff away dismounting the stage.

Kryztoff Rating  2.5K

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