By Fiona Gardner
Dressed in a long Scottish kilt, Mark Wilson presents the story of a fictional replication of a daughter who is a theatre legend. This award-winning prima ballerina actress then takes you through the trauma or wild fantasy of an abusive parent. The crossing-dressing performance reflects on the grandeur of Mark Wilson’s inflated sense of being an artist and although this piece has been rated PG, it is definitely looking towards the M if not MA classifications, taking into consideration the impact that live theatre can create.
As the piece is narrated throughout, the role-play is enhanced with a psychologically deepening of the questions relating to the development of homosexuality. This performance states that it will whisper a confession (which plays on the question of reality) that turns into an unbelievable revealing final scene. Wilson delves deeply into the love that he has for his father, exploring not only Freudian sexuality but also relationship development generally towards our parents as well as the development of a specific gender.
Each scene is performed with great conviction and a spontaneity that will have you wondering what hit you. But be warned Unsex Me is extremely confronting and conservative minded folk may well walk out wiping their brow. This questioning autobiography leaves you guessing at the end between the rights of different genders and sexual equality with the whole effect maximised by the disturbing fact that its contents are indeed true.
Kryztoff Rating 3.5K
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