Fusing science and art in itself is an art form. Has Ryoji Ikeda, internationally renowned artist from Japan who lives in Paris, mastered this with ‘superposition’? Consisting of screens, sounds, graphs, screens, sounds, graphs, screens, sounds, graphs and two live performers Stephane Garin and Amelie Grould. A series of information and graphs are mixed with live action on the screens set to sounds, not music, sounds.
Described as inspired by the mathematical ideas and notions of quantum fields that deals with this particular characteristic of nature: one cannot fully describe the behavior of a single particle, but in terms of probabilities. To describe a particle, one must list all possible states a particle can be found in alongside probability of the particle being in that state.
This certainly mesmerising experience, that one could not really describe as simply th eatre or music may be the pinnacle of fusing concepts, science, sound, understanding, questioning into an art project, then again it may simply be a hypnotic experience of flashes on screens set to rhythmic sounds to entrance the audience. And maybe that in itself is achieving the pinnacle of art.
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